The Tayloring Club About Us
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Our Goals

Our goals are to educate and be educated in the arts and methods required to maintain or reinvent a nation in decline... starting in each willing heart. We are expecting to soon see a division in the world between those who’d come to know God and those who wouldn’t. Scripture refers to this break as the church of the Lamb of God and the church of the devil. (1 Ne. 14:10)

This website was created out of a desire to survive spiritually, and possibly physically, the coming calamities. Our experiences in life has shown us that common knowledge isn’t always as firm as we believe it to be. There’s a fine line between solid reason and accepted reality as to their ultimate results. This website exists to enlighten those who’d be enlightened and accept those who’d firm up faith.

Morality is at the base of a free nation. When people cease to be moral the rule of law becomes distorted and fails. As the main purveyor of morals, when religion is attacked, or the people stop looking to God as a compass, the personal understanding and self disciple required to maintain order is lost. When we can no longer be bridled by God we become bridled by death. Our goal in this atmosphere is to encourage people back to God and life.

As national economies mature and the physical labor required to run them becomes more refined, it’s common to see a shift in the workforce away from skilled physical labor jobs. With this shift comes the devaluing of men in the workforce as more women are able to compete in the milder atmosphere. This is seen as a good thing but, it has a tendency to weaken family ties. Our goal here is to reinforce the family playing into each family members physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual gifts as God directs.

Our home is our safe place and retreat. However, as our world changes the thing we know as home becomes more ethereal. It’s important to defend our physical homes but even more so to defend each of our family members’ personal relationships with God. To this end, the basic unit of government is found in the family. It’s our duty that we teach our families to be self-reliant in facing our trials through service and faith. Our goal here is to present ideas and aids to secure both our physical and spiritual homes from the storms in our lives.

When God created the Earth, He made it from a great number of minerals; from the dust of which, He raised Adam. We’ve been learning a new perspective in health maintenance. Fore the strength and longevity of man is found in his understanding and use of the soil from which he came. So many of us have been so removed from the soil that we’ve begun lacking the ability to burn the fuels we’ve consumed. Once more, some of the stores we’ve stock piled may not burn as hot and long as needed under duress. Our goal here is to raise food full of healing that burns hot and long when we need strength.

Through effort, and the direction of our feet, we show our true colors. Agency affords us the ability to use our talents to serve others. Fortunately, God gave us a plethora of talents from which to choose that we may enjoy serving more deeply. When we share our talents openly we add to the foundation of wealth that builds around us. Symphonic orchestras and majestic choirs are made through the efforts of many dedicated souls. Our goal here is to emphasize the need for productive effort for our individual well-being.

Understanding how nutrition strengthens us is only half of the equation. Now comes the time to grow and stockpile it. Renewable food reserves are a major part of existing more than a few months during a crisis. In addition, it’s hard to find commercially grown food with more than thirteen minerals give or take a salt lick. Crops and animals following their natural symbiotic relationship is the key to acquiring the density of nutrition in which we thrive. Our goal is to not only feed but nourish as many as we gather.

It’s been shown in history that republics usually don’t last much longer than 200 years. We’re 233 years old in the United States as of 2022 and the signs of collapse have begun. Our combined wealth has driven industry out of our own nation. Our craftsmen have died off replaced by currency traders. So you see, when the true value of money is established by the labor market and labor declines, money loses its worth. The best “Currency Traders“ can’t create monetary value as the very act of their profession thrives in the devaluing of the current fiat currency in use. Our goal here is to stabilize a grassroots platform of local trust and value.