A home is as different from a family as character is from
personality. We are born with a personality profile. As we live we
alter and add traits creating a character profile to hopefully
compliment and augment our personality profile. People cross
contaminate the meanings of the words family and home often
substituting one for the other. In reality families are born and
homes are made like the difference between our personality and our
character profiles respectfully.
Our home is a madhouse at times. It didn’t start that way. But, as
the kids grew the vibrato of the male ego started challenging everything.
Rules, and counter measures to these rules, heavy in the air; authority was
challenged at every opportunity. My poor wife was caught in the
middle as all sides sought emotional validation from her. It was in
this battle field we found ourselves. We discovered that keeping an
orderly house meant stemming the tides of battle before they started
and that not all battles could be stemmed.
The secret to having a peaceful house is having and living by a few rules.
These rules don’t have to be uniform to other families they just need
to make sense to your family. And remember, dad and mom need to live by
the same rules! Example is a powerful learning tool and great
leverage with kids.
We learned almost too late as we struggled with getting things done and keeping
things caught up. If it weren’t for our poverty it would have been
hard to reel the kids back into the fold. Learning how to “earn
to eat” educates one quickly. However, it’s more than
just earning money… it’s managing money. We learned to
manage money before we made it, as we made it, and after we made it.
We are excited about sharing through this website all the tricks we
have gathered in our journey to be more self-reliant.
We’ll include home topics like:
Designing and creating a clean home
Managing home resources and accounting
Managing home personnel service
Share decorating ideas and crafts
Preparing for holidays and setting traditions
Developing a house hold emergency plan
Having our homes running well shows respect for one
another and helps build the home’s
resources creating a safe place to harbor from storms.