The Community Tayloring Club

The Community Tayloring Club

Sowing old fashion qualities into modern life

God Blesses Us with Abundance as We’re Ready to Receive It

There’s so much strife in the world and people looking for support. Our national political leaders, at times, seam to be at odds with our families’ and local communities’ needs. Often their programs are developed to relieve us of our agency in the guise of security. As a result, it’s to us to assume our support back upon our own shoulders if we’re to preserve our liberty. To this end we’d like to add our voice to the self reliance community.

Our local communities have exported our needs to global corporations. Currently we, as a population, outsource medicine, food, and many other needs to other states, not to mention other countries, through corporate trade. With supplies and essentials coming from other than local places, how will we adapt to potential shipping interruptions? To counter, shouldering our own support means building a locally based community lifestyle. If we do this, then when the winds and storms of far off places blow, we’ll be able to maintain our order of life.

We’re looking for people and ways to weather the potential threats to our local communities. Sometimes living within your means applies to building up our local resources and talent pools. We’ve spent the last 14 years gathering the best practices to build self sustaining communities. However, we know we don’t have all the answers. We’re hoping for your aid in the development of free agents, solid families, stable homes, strong bodies, talented artisans, and local food abundance through our local community efforts.